No, Seriously...

This is my attempt at amateur photography, heavy on pictures of my nephew. Go check out Mistress Tootie Belle Rules the World, too. It's a little different.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I Speak for Terri Too

The tears are running down my body.
Oh, God, can you hear me?
I'm crying out to You,
will You save me?
I want my tears to make a difference,
I want my voice to be heard,
but no one is listening.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

This is just after I cut it all off...

...and this is how long it was before.

I'm in the gray shirt with my eight-months-pregnant sister Melissa.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I'm on the right with my coworker Neely after we both got 'made over'.

This is Harvey.

Employee Makeover Day.

Cheryl, left, and Heather insisted they wanted to be on my website.